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Fells Point, at sunset

Beauty is the child of balance, now co-pted by modern-day consumerism, The natural grace of beauty has been replaced with expensive treatments, toxic products, and impossible expectations.

To rebirth and reclaim beauty, we must first recognize that it is a by-product of balance. When our bodies are not well, we suffer from impabalance, manifesting as inflamed skin britlle hair, premature wrinkles, and a loss of elasticity. In synergy with Nature, we can retrace our roots back to natural cycles & processes that will sustain beauty through the ages

I founded a natural cosmetics company; Monave, where we handcraft natural, makeup that is animal cruelty-free, and tailored to women with auto immune disorders and sensitivities.

We are a diverse group of women who craft, and market healthy products, to build  econominc independence, one of the cornerstones of empowerment.

I'm a mother, entrepreneur, artist, civil rights and animal rights advocate. I educate women and girls through music, on feminine empowerment, and healing from trauma, and help our sacred planet as we navigate this world of corporate submission. I'm also a wellness educator and facilitator with a goal to spread information about healthy, natural living to as many women as possible. 
I was put here to love this planet, its people, and its animals.  I have been asked to help make the world a better place for the generations to come. You may be here because you also feel the calling to tap into more ancient ways of Life, ones that are sustainable for the planet, and which honor the sacred, in our food, our work, our play and our homes.
The older I've gotten, the braver I've become at acknowledging and honoring my true self and now I am ready to share who I am with the world, openly, and without fear. I believe that the information I spread on this blog will be helpful to women who are going through or recovering from trauma, or a health crisis. I hope that the information I share here will resonate with women who are on a journey of self-education, and self-love. I hope that it will inspire others to do the same, because how we represent the Divine Feminine to the world influences the very fabric of existence.

Baltimore, MD 21231

teporah11 @

Teporah Bilezikian

Wellness Author

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