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Eat  ~ Drink

Allergy & Ethically Based Substitutions


milk: almond or coconut milk

eggs: vegan egg replacement or a chia gel

flour: grain-free flour blend

butter: coconut oil or vegan margarine

dairy: Daiya shredded cheese, Chao or Heidi Ho brand soft cheeses



~ because everyone is unique ~

 Food has gotten so complicated hasn't it? It seems like the more we learn, the less we understand.  And as multi-national corporations such as Monsanto diligently work toward controlling the world's  food supply, we start to wonder if we even know what we are putting into our mouths.
The debates rage on about oil vs fat-free, olive oil vs butter, meat vs vegan, paleo vs traditional, ayurvedic, vs macrobiotic, vs farm-to-table....the list goes on and on. So, how do we determine what works for us? By trial and experimentation, and by listening to our bodies.
Each one of us is as unique as a snowlake or a drop of water.  Our ethnic makeup, geneology, immune system, climate, emotional environment, stress levels, ethics, and lifestyle, all contribute to the decisions that we make around food.  It's very important to balance any research you do and advice you receive, with the practice of noticing how your body reacts to various stimuli. Diving into this will allow you to beomce your body's best advocate. 
I'll be sharing what works for me; non-dairy vegetarian, grain-free foods, that focus on lowering inflammation, while incorporating ingredients to support healthy brain. You can alter any of these recipes to add or remove ingredients as they suit your body and taste.
For me, a grain-free diet is the only diet that truly allows my body to become balanced, and to heal from a lifteime of immune system responses ranging from simply irritating (itchy hives), to debilatating. (months of flu-like symptoms) The latest research shows that celiacs, and people who are gluten intolerant can experience inflammation from all grains. The science has shifted over the last ten years or so, and now points to the benefits a plant based diet including vegetables, legumes, beans, seeds and nuts.  

Baltimore, MD 21231

teporah11 @

Teporah Bilezikian

Wellness Author

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