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Loving Our Bodies

Create Pathways to Self-Love


What do you say about your body when you look in the mirror? Around your children? Your daughters? Look for opportunities to affirm your beauty. Be gentle when you're bathing. Tell your body parts that you love them.  Touch your 'trouble' spots and say, " You are perfect". Make this a habit. Make this your gospel.

Because it's hard for someone to love someone who doesn't love herself.

 You know the type. You might be her. And there's a little bit of her in each one of us. She takes care of everyone. She throws herself into caring for others, even strangers. She devotes herself to her children, her family, her parents, and the world at large. But what about herself? What about you?
Often we ignore our skin, our hair, our body aches. We learn to stop caring about how we look, even though it bothers us. We are taught to believe that taking time to beautify or relax is selfish. We think that we should be cleaning the house, finsihing up that work that we brought home, spending time with our partner, our kids... the list is endless. And our name is so far at the end of that list that by the time we get there, we are forgotten.
Add to that, immune issues, illness, stress, environmental concerns, concerns about beauty products and their relationship to the farm animal industry, and eventually, many of us give up, thinking, " why bother", "it's simply too much".
My approach to this dilemma is two-fold: to recognize and honor the importance of taking care of our physical body; our skin, hair, nails, muscles, teeth, eyes, and secondly, to learn about and embrace natural methods for achieving balance and beauty without sacrficing our commitment to sustaining a peaceful and healthy planet.

Baltimore, MD 21231

teporah11 @

Teporah Bilezikian

Wellness Author

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