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Nourishing  Our Spirit

 We are spiritual beings living in human bodies. The soul is eternal. The health of our bodies is intertwined with the health of our internal spiritual compass. True wellness can be achieved when we release our attachment to the plagues of stress, worry, and fear.
Becoming closer to spirit means becoming closer to our true selves.  This is facilitated through a variety of practices, including meditation, prayer, body movement, contemplation, time spent in Nature, solitude, journalling, studying spiritual laws, seeking awareness,and actively expressing love, gratitude, and humility.
As your spiritual acuity rises, so does your overall wellness. Stress and worry are eased. This elevates your energy level as well as lowering the damaging effects of free radicals by reducing their presence in your system. Science has proven that meditation can improve brain health.  A sense of Peace is one of the most priceless gifts that you can carry with you throughout your life.
We'll explore a variety of spiritual practices, and talk about the many ways in which we can imbue our lives with the powerful unseen forces that effect our lives and our well being.

Baltimore, MD 21231

teporah11 @

Teporah Bilezikian

Wellness Author

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