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Our Journeys, Our Stories

I Want to Hear Your Story


Your story is my story. As women, we know the power of sharing knowledge. If you have a Wellness Journey that you think will inspire or educate other women, please contact me, so your story can be included here.

I started to be aware of my own beauty by the age of thirteen But I was self-concious, and awkward. By the time I was fifteen, I had gained composure, confidence, grooming, and a deep confidence because of my spiritually active lifestyle. I also stopped eating meat, and began vascillating between a vegetarian and a vegan lifestyle.
But due to a then-unkown disease, I started to suffer from tiredeness, skin problems, scalp issues, and other problems, both mental an dphysical. This diesease, now labelled as celiac disease, knocked me down by the age of twenty three. I spent a year recupearting in my parent's home. My education and my work life were put on hold while I suffered from repeated broken ribs due to a severe bout of bronchitis.
The worst of the issues subsided for about ten years. I worked a as an educator a decade,  gave birth to two sons, and then opened my natural cosmetics business.  During this time, I spent endless hours researching environmental toxins and their effect on our health. Things were going great, but then I got grounded again. This time, in my thirties. I was running a business, and rising two kids. I had to hire full-time childcare, because I only had two hours a day to live my life. The rest of the time, the exhaustion and the mental confusion left me bed-ridden.  It was terrifying. Doctors didn't know what was wrong with me.
I finally sought counsel with a holistic doctor, who informally diagnosed me with a wheat allergy. This in advertently saved my life because it eliminated the majority of the gluten that was in my diet. Around the same time, my mother began to suffer as well. Her condition became deadly. As in my case, no doctors could diagnose her. When I finally realized that she had celiac disease, her doctor looked me in the eye, and told me it was a made up disease. But my father immediately started prearping a strict gluten-free diet for her.
After teetering on the brink of starvation, she began healing, and gained back a portion of her health. But the damage had been done. From that time onward, her brain began detiorating, and after ten years of decline, she passed away from complications due to dementia. This tore my father apart, causing severe depression,  the side effects of which require heavy medication .
As celiac disease became a household name, and I learned more and more about how to feed and care for my body, I saw the natural beauty that I had lost return. My skin healed, my scalp healed, I stopped experiencing rashes on my body, and the constant swelling disappeared as my 'gut' became balanced and healthy.
I began reaping the benefits of my newly found physical balance, but struggled with the vestiges of a marriage, with an emotionally abusive, jealous, controlling husband. The decade I spent in that marriage, took a very heavy toll on my confidence, my sense of self-love and my feelings of self-worth. I also struggled with how to effectively parent my two boys, who were also suffering from the effects of all of it. We have more collective triggers than a hunting party. During my marriage, I had lost touch with my spirituality and had become depressed and disassociated as a result.
I moved into my own home, which became my safe refuge, and finally sought out the guidance of spiritual counselors. After years of work, I finally began to see the light, and experience some semblancce of joy, peace, and self-awareness.
Im a survivor. Of celiac disease. Of sexism. Of my own destructive behaviours. Of abuse, rape, and assault. I know my story is not unique. So I share it with you. With others. Hearing someone else's story can help us process our own. We are destined to thrive. Because the world desperately needs the power and beauty of divine feminity. Our health and balance, our sanity, our ability to nurture and educate our young, are primary to the well being of the world at large.

Baltimore, MD 21231

teporah11 @

Teporah Bilezikian

Wellness Author

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