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Let's Talk About Water

People ask me all of the time what I do to look so young. At fifty, most guess I'm thirty-five. It's such a long answer, with so many arms, that I rarely get a chance to review all of my lifestyle choices which I feel contribute to my good health, but I always take the time to talk about water. I can honestly say, that of all of the healthy habits that I follow, upping my water intake has been the most dramatic, both in terms of its overall health benefit, as well as the the affect on my looks.

Some of the benefits that I notice are (sorry, this gets a bit graphic), much easier and more freqent bowel movements, a reduction of blackheads, easier extractions, a dramatic decrease in darkness around my eyes, a dramatic decrease in wrinkles, and much plumper looking skin.

If you are wondering how much you'd need to drink to be getting these benefits, I drink a half a gallon a day. You can have greater benefits by drinking as much as a gallon a day. I have personally found this hard to achieve, but I promise, you'll love the way you look and feel and you will notice lots of short term benefits. The long term benefits are too numerous to list here, but in general, a chronic low level of dehydration among many people is the reason for a myriad of issues, and contributes to a lower level of health, especially long - term.

I'm providing a link here for a somewhat famous article about a women who drinks roughly a gallon a day. She cronicles the improvement in her skin, and you'll see for yourself what kinds of results you can get. If you are already drinking this much, good job! Stay tuned for future posts in which I'll delve into some specifics about water types, and purification methods, techniques for uppin and maintaining your water intake, as well as adding herbs and fruits for a healthy immune system.

author: Teporah Bilezikian

copyright 2017

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Teporah Bilezikian

Wellness Author

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