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Avocados for breakfast?

I've heard a lot of people say, "euw" when I tell them I eat avocados for breakfast. Most people think about guacamole and envision a savory/spicy experience. But avocados have a sweet, mild flavor, are very creamy, and receive any flavor addition you add to the mix very well.

In terms of nutrition, avocados are a heart-healthy food, and have beneficial fats, especially for those on a vegan diet. Forget about bacon, grains, and dairy for breakfast. Try this delicious salad instead. It's surprisingly filling, and a fun, easy meal to make with children.

There are several important elements to this salad which balance your nutritional needs.

  • avocados: carbs and good fats

  • pears, apples, peaches, mangoes, or kiwi: vitamins A, E, C

  • berries: antioxidants

  • walnuts: omegas and protein

  • vegan yogurt: probiotics

Feel free to add other ingredients such as seeds, nuts, cocoa nibs, coconut flakes, herbs, or dried berries. All ingredients are best purchased from the organic section of your natural grocer, from an organic farm, or your own garden.

Recipe for one:

1 banana

1/2 large avocado or one small one

Half of a chopped apple, pear, or peach, or a quarter of a mango, a kiwi, or any other fleshy fruit.

2-3 strawberries or 1/8-1/4 cup of raspberries, blueberries, pitted cherries, blackberries or wild harvested mulberries.

3-4 chopped dates

a handful of walnuts broken into pieces

a few squeezes of fresh juice of lime

1/4 cup of coconut or almond milk yogurt

1/2 tsp of cinammon

A few dabs of agave (optional)

Chop all of the fruit and the avacado into smal, bite-sized chunks. Squeeze some lime juice over the fruit then break the walnut halves into the salad. Add the yogurt and agave, and sprinkle with cinnamon and viola!

For two people, simply double the recipe.

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Teporah Bilezikian

Wellness Author

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