A Basic Primer on Developing a Healthy Immune System
I read a post on social media, where a woman asked what supplements people used to boost their immune system. She was tired of getting sick, and reached out to the natural communicty for advice. There were a lot of great suggestions for traditional remedies such as elderberry, fire cider and herbal teas, but my first thought was, 'You can't just 'boost' your immune system with supplements or remedies. That's only one slice of the equation. A strong immune system is something that is bulit over time, and requires a comprehensive approach coupled with great habits. Here's my response verbatim. I posted what works for me, and I do firmly believe that each person's body is uniqe, and needs to be explored for the right fit on remedies, exercise, diet, nutrition and more.
1. Avoid Inflammatory foods. For me, that’s grains, excess fats, sugar, and potatoes
2. Daily body movement. For me, that’s yoga and hiking
3. Regular time in the woods. This has proven benefits to your whole body including your inmune system.
4. Correct water intake. I drink a half a gallon a day. A gallon would be better.
5. An alkaline diet. You can look up a chart and lean towards more alkaline foods.
6. A daily probiotic supplement. There’s a second brain in your gut, and this is one way to keep it healthy.
7. Avoiding stress. It’s fairly impossible but you can limit stress by avoiding toxic or draining people, places and distractions.
8. Time for contemplation. Inner work helps recalibrate the body to a more peaceful state.
9. I incorporate these into a daily tea and they do wonders: (some are for other aspects of my health and I’m not an herbalist so I’m not recommending all of these to anyone. : horsetail, comfrey, turkey tail and reishi mushrooms, white pine and Eastern cedar, star anise, fresh turmeric and ginger, sweet fern, and rosehips.
10. I take magnesium, taurine and no-flush niacin daily.
11. I add extra iodine to my diet vÃa dulse to prevent metal buildup in my system.
12. Detox: Everything needs to be refreshed and cleaned out periodically. I do parasite cleanses every three months,use activated charcoal, weekly raw foods cleanses, and incorporate foods that promote colon health.
13. Home products: Anything with synthetic fragrance in it can damage your respiratory system. Unscented or essential oil based cleansers are best. Home remedies such as using vinegar, baking soda etc, are recommended for respiratory health.
14. Sun: I sunbathe for at least twenty minutes every day that the sun is out.
15. Lung health: don’t smoke anything. The only thing that belongs in our lungs is fresh air.
16. Hot dry air in the Winter is a killer. Keep the house cooler and out on a sweater. Make sure to keep dust, mold etc out of vents and floors. Carpet traps allergens, so whenever possible, remove them, in favor of tile or hardwood floors, and area rugs.
There’s more but basically, I almost never get sick, and I don’t think supplements alone can fight the damage we do to our bodies.